2020. Jul 13. | Competition Law
A fair bit of storm has been kicked up by a recent piece of draft legislation that would add a new rule to the Act on Commerce, prohibiting places of hospitality and large beer and soft drink producers from entering into exclusive contracts and thereby limiting...
2020. Apr 29. | Competition Law
Yesterday’s decision (28 April 2020) of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) fits well in the clearly visible EU trends, focusing more and more on the consumer protection activities of (competition) authorities, parallel with the reduction of classical...
2018. Jul 18. | Competition Law
The Hungarian legal publisher, Wolters Kluwer introduced its newest book to the public on the 11th of April, 2018 in the state room of Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest. The book’s title is Private Enforcement Litigation – a handbook for practitioners. The...
2018. Apr 5. | Competition Law
CHSH’s Antitrust Law Group would like to cordially invite the readers of this blog to the presentation of a new book that was written by eminent antitrust law experts and edited by CHSH’s staff. The book is published by Wolters Kluwer, and its editor-in-chief is Tamás...
2018. Feb 22. | Competition Law
The Hungarian Competition Authority (HCA) issued a new communique on antitrust fines in December 2017. The communique added new options that cooperating companies can take advantage to significantly reduce the amount of the fines imposed on them or even completely...
2018. Feb 7. | Competition Law
At the initiative of the Hungarian Competition Authority (HCA), representatives of the competition law communities of the V4+ countries met once again in Budapest yesterday, this time in a conference held under the auspices of Hungary’s V4 Presidency. According to our...